Pallet recycling

Businesses have a major environmental responsibility. To meet their sustainability goals, they need to reduce the impact of their operations on the planet. Recycling is an effective way to achieve this.

Why recycle your company's pallets? 

Pallet recycling is a very useful service to help reduce the environmental impact of industrial and commercial activity. Pallets are a type of material that is widely used in industry and generally discarded as waste. However, pallets can be recycled and reused.

There are several benefits that your company can gain by recycling pallets, some of the most important of which are the following:

ReIt reduces environmental impact

    Companies that recycle their pallets are helping to reduce the negative environmental impact of manufacturing and discarding these materials.

    It saves money

    Recycling pallets is also an effective way to save money. Companies can cut the costs associated with purchasing and discarding new pallets by reusing recycled materials.

    Enhance reputation

    Companies that take steps to improve their environmental sustainability can significantly enhance their reputation and attract new potential customers.

    Pallet recycling process 

    At GPoveda we work with the planet and the circular economy model in mind.

    The first thing we do is to collect the pallet(s) from your company and take them to our factory using our collection service. Once we have them in our facilities, we differentiate between pallets that can be repaired and those that we can only use parts of.

    We use some of the most deteriorated pieces to shape them and repair other pallets, especially those of the European type.

    The whole process is designed to reduce the impact of waste and to make it easier for companies to recycle these parts without having to make a great effort on their part. We take care of everything.